Covid-Dino Shortmovie (Covid-19)

Covid-Dino is a short film produced by Ach! Animation Studio with the aim of informing even the little ones, in a nice and playful way, about Coronavirus.

It was therefore chosen to use the mascot of the Ach! Animation as the protagonist to narrate this story composed of a sequence of situations that explain, in a fun way but with attention to information, how to move during this difficult period. 

Thanks to Paolo Digiuni and Emiliano Guarneri for their support.

Download, print and color your Dino and create your own cartoon!
Send us your masterpieces to [email protected]

Production: Ach! Animation Studio
Written and Directed by: Tommaso Zambelli
Dino Original Concept: Edo Faravelli
Illustration, 2D Animation: Federico Scippa
Video Editor: Tommaso Zambelli
Speaker: Massimiliano Pegorini, Alma Alessi Konya, Elisa Beltrami (ENG)
Sound Design: David Fragale
Copywriting: Tagma Agency

Coviddino cortrometraggio, estratto dal video
Coviddino cortrometraggio, estratto dal video
Coviddino cortrometraggio, work in progress
Coviddino cortrometraggio, work in progress
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